Introducing what will soon hopefully be a regular feature of this space, the Player Spotlight.
First up Ravi, a.k.a. The Shankmeister, Shankdog, Ravenous, Hairy Monkey or Pimp Daddy (see photo). The Shankmeister has been playing disc since high school, where he shelled out much allowance money on his fair share of award drinks. Yet also the occasional victor, or so he says, i have no particular memory of such accomplishments so cannot verify. Today we find him a real daddy and not just the pimp we see in the picture. Nevertheless he is still honing his game and playing when time allows. His putting skills are feared due to the countless hours spent with his backyard practice basket. He nails medium range putts with intimidating confidence. Recently his drive has been looking pretty sweet with some new distance and a smooth stroke that bodes well for the future. But, alas, ulitmately this season has been a frustrating one for Shankdog, frequently in the mix but more frequently susceptible to late in the round breakdowns which have resulted in him failing to secure a major win this season. Still, Ravi is close to becoming a complete player, he certainly has the driving and the putting skills and no doubt soon will figure out how to keep that focus the whole round to bring home the necklace.
Personality wise he is, of course, a gem to play with. Lively and always up for just on more round and not above the occasional quip timed to coincide with an opponent's back stroke. You can always expect a fun round when he is present.
- Favorite Course: Buffumville (also enjoys Norwalk but he beat Dave here once in the wind so i bet this is a fave, along with Burke Lake, VA of course);
- Favorite Driver: Starfire (the way he was ripping it last time out farther then he ever has and giving up 3 discs to Dave in order to call it his own, he has probably been fondling it ever since);
- Overheard on the Course: "Uh-oh, this is no gimmee" just before an opponent steps up to an important putt.
I couldn't agree more. If only i could conjure the same enthusiasm for work as i do for this page and i would be some kind of superstar. Send me some more choice pics and more spotlights will be on the way!
it makes me so happy to see millsbury and maddog commenting here on our little disc page. /wipe tear
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