Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Semi-Annual Clinic

This Sunday, legendary champ B. G. held the first installment of his Semi-Annual Disc Golf Skills Clinic (79.95, pre-registration fee) at Tyler State Park. In attendance were Saito, Mike W, and Boxy the disc-loving dog. It was a smashing success, with the participants raving about the abundant one-on-one instruction time. "I saw things today that I never knew were possible with a disc" said one participant. Another exclaimed "Wow, just wow. Just being able to bask in the presence of such a disc golf legend was worth the registration fee. I have already pre-registered for the fall clinic."

The one rather recalcitrant participant was Boxy the dog, for whom neither tasty jerky waived in his face, stern commands, or any number of other attempted techniques of distraction could keep him from chasing after, licking, and grabbing in his jowls whatever disc was thrown with such single minded focus it was astonishing. Now I am no dog expert but it seems to me that your typical dog would be more interested in rooting through the woods, chasing squirrels and just generally reveling in the outdoors, rather then chasing a piece of plastic. Not Boxy. This dog was born to fetch and nothing seemed to be able to preempt this ingrained behavior. Eventually it was enough to force Mike's hand, who spent the second round studying up on the Clinic guide book in lieu of playing.

First round:
Ben +5 (started bad but settled down nicely)
Saito +17 (score inflated due to the Boxy effect)
Mike W +20 something

Second round:
Ben +3 (individual course record, could have been negative if could only hit some 15 footers)
Saito +16 (lost steam towards the end, but was otherwise a solid round).

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